Anabolic androgenic steroids effects on the brain
While most of the anabolic and androgenic effects are expressed through the androgen receptor, some anabolic steroids can have effects outside of the androgen receptor, such as by modulating the androgen receptor itself. In general, these drugs, although they are often prescribed for the anabolic effects, are not necessarily beneficial to health in themselves. Most anabolic steroids are primarily for growth promotion, and the anabolic effect, like growth hormone release, does not result in lasting tissue changes, anabolic androgenic steroids effects on the brain. For some drugs, the anabolic effect may only be observed in short-term, but other drugs may have other effects that are not necessarily a result of anabolic steroid effects. Steroids such as stanozolol, androgens such as testosterone and dihydrotestosterone, are particularly likely to have other effects that are more beneficial than anabolic steroid effects to health, on steroids effects anabolic androgenic brain the.